and the

The Incredible Front Cavern Ceiling
Looked Like the Night Sky
The Front Cavern was excavated with a jackhammer and shovel during 2003 and was the largest and most interesting of all the excavations. It was approximately 1,400 square feet in area. The layout of the tunnels and crypts was virtually identical to the Celtic Burial Mound at Newgrange, Ireland. Sir Francis spent his youth in York, England which is not far from Newgrange and perhaps visited that location often. As opposed to human remains, the individual crypts were filled with the stones taken from each town or port that Drake visited en-route to Nova Albion.

View of Corridor Matching
Newgrange Layout of Burial Crypts

Layout of Celtic Burial Mound
at Newgrange, Ireland

Rainbow of Colored Clay and
Metallic-Looking Wall Section
Several sections of the Front Cavern contained incredible walls made of toxic colored clays. This cavern yielded vast amounts of treasure, including a massive 270 lb. gemstone decorated with the image of a Mayan Warrior.
The Mayan Warrior
Image of The Mayan Warrior Is to the right of the jackhammer

The Danger of Rain
The caverns walls and ceilings were created from a clay slurry. During the summer months they were as solid as cement. However, when the rainy season began, a relatively small amount of rain had disastrous repercussions.

The Front Yard Covered by Plastic Sheeting
to Save the Cavern from Collapse

A Flooded Front Cavern Before the Collapse

The Complete Collapse
The Crypts after the collapse

Fortunately, all the stones were saved!